Wide Open

posted Nov 17, 2017

instagram.com@medicaltalks Recently, someone I know suggested that my last blog entry, “Message in a Bottle” was “oversharing.”  He went on further to ask whether I wrote it to be stroked and praised as a person of great understanding. He stated his concern that it might indicate a form of...

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posted Jun 25, 2017

“Mom,” my sixteen-year-old daughter asked me one day, “did you know there’s a scale for sexual orientation, zero for exclusively heterosexual and six for exclusively homosexual?” A few seconds later she added, “I’m a three.” This was not news to me. She’d struggled quite openly for the past two...

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Of Thee I Sing

posted May 28, 2016

I recently realized that my lifetime struggles with singing mirror exactly my lifetime struggles with self-acceptance and self-expression. What a cliché. From the age of 5 or 6, singing was a source of joy, of wings for me. Apparently, my rendition at the age of 6 of My Favorite...

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Taking the Left Turn

posted Jun 26, 2015

My son told me recently about a driving “adventure” that he and his buddy went on. The rules of the adventure were this: you drive straight ahead until you reach a T intersection, and then you have to turn right. You continue on straight, or making right turns, until...

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Summoning Up

posted May 24, 2015

When I was old enough to be driving, but young enough still to be living with my parents, I was returning with my mom from a shopping trip at the mall, when I drove over a mouse in our garage. I don’t know how the exact timing was possible,...

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